
Sunday, October 10, 2010

PAS Youth: National celebrations causing baby dumping

PETALING JAYA: PAS is blaming Valentine’s Day and New Year celebrations as among the main causes of baby dumping in the country.
PAS Youth chief Nasrudin Hassan said the occasions were celebrated in an extreme manner and en couraged liberal socialising and free sex, which resulted in the act of dumping babies.
»These celebrations put youths in situations involving alcohol and indecent behaviour« NASRUDIN HASSAN, PAS YOUTH CHIEF
“Baby dumping is rampant especially during the months of July to September – the months are dubbed the ‘baby dumping season’,” he said yesterday.
Nasrudin also said the party would hold a roundtable discussion with non-governmental organisations and political parties on Aug 22 to discuss ways in which all parties could contribute to solving the problem.
He said there had been 15 cases of baby dumping between July and yesterday.
“It is an indication that the ‘mating season’ occurred during the New Year celebrations. We expect more cases between now and September,” he said, adding that the high number of cases of couples caught for khalwat(close proximity) was recorded during carnivals including the Merdeka Day celebrations.
He said the celebrations, which originated from the West, did not “sit well with our country’s traditions.”
“These celebrations put youths in situations involving alcohol and indecent behaviour,” said Nasrudin, adding that the Government should control such celebrations and entertainment outlets.
“These babies are born out of wedlock from irresponsible actions through forbidden relationships. If the babies were born through marriage, they would not be thrown away,” he said.
Nasrudin was responding to a news portal report yesterday quoting PAS Youth deputy chief Azman Shapawi Rani that such celebrations in the country were the main causes of baby dumping.
He urged the Government to look into preventive measures and not only dwell on punishment against the youths.
“They must review the education system to teach youths how to apply their knowledge of subjects like morality in everyday life, rather than merely feeding them information all day in schools,” he said.


  1. I totally agree with the statement.This is what happening to our youth generations.

  2. but we cant blame on the festive because teenager should know better what they suppose to do and what they shouldn't do

  3. yes,that's true that we can't put the blame on the festive but again,our teenagers especially the urban teenagers are tend to celebrate this festive in a negative way.Some of them are even conducting a sex party right after the celebration,this is such a big surprise as most of them are underage.

  4. it really shock how open our teenagers nowadays compare to teenager from ten years ago because they adapt Western lifestyle and parent giving their children full privilege to make decision about their life

  5. the openness of our youth make them shameless doing open sex and yes,most of these teenagers start living the "festive lifestyle" at the early age such as sixteen. not only that,throughout the research done by PT Foundation in Malaysia, most teens at the age fifteen already done open sex and thus increase the AIDS/HIV cases percentage in Malaysia. my conclusion is,not only many child born out of the wedlock,the percentage of AIDS/HIV also increase.
