
Sunday, October 10, 2010

Negative Effects of Having Sex Education In Schools

Having sex education in schools could bring more negative effects than the positive ones.One of the negative effect is it will trigger curiousity among students to find out about sex and eventually they will involve in free sex.It is true that sex education is likely introduced to prevent pregnancy among teenagers as the students will be taught about methods of preventing pregnancy,but it doesn't mean that pregnancy will never happens.It is afraid that if these teenagers got pregnant out of wedlock,they will dump the baby right after they gives birth and the cases of baby dumping will never decreased.Apart from that,sex education in schools could be offensive due to religion and custom.It is because,sex is considered something personal and yet not to be talked about in the publics.Sex is also considered as taboo in eastern society.


  1. although sex education is consider against our culture and religion but i think we should change our mindset and we can change the subject according to our culture and religion and we don't have to copy Western sex education style

  2. actually i agree with you but we have to ensure the syllabus is really based on our culture

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. yes,that important. but if we following the culture too much then there not much we can teach our youngsters. as you can see,most of them to ashamed of their own sex that they think they are so unworthy and won't get any advise from any people around them not even their own trustees~

  5. ya that true..
    we can have sex syllabus for our youngsters but it should not be too open until cn lead them to expose to it.

    priyaa (A134500)
